June 30 Genesis 37:1-11
June 30 Genesis 37:1-11 Click on the post below to listen to the content of this post: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whengodwhispers/episodes/June-30-Genesis-371-11-e26cq3g Oh, Heavenly Father, I write this prayer and I must confess that I, too, need your strength to rebuild some relationships, and at the same time, learn how to avoid these pitfalls in the future. I know that is what you want, for us to learn from past mistakes and not make the same ones over and over again. Oh, Father, I would love nothing more than to be able to remember the lessons You teach me as I go along, but I, like many of the saints in the Old Testament, seem to have the need to live through some of the many mistakes I make daily. Help me to recall the life lessons You teach me and ones that I have just seen others live through. Help me to not have to learn everything the hard way. Give me grace, mercy, and the right words to mend fences that need mending. Go before me and make the path straight an