
Showing posts from June, 2023

June 30 Genesis 37:1-11

June 30 Genesis 37:1-11 Click on the post below to listen to the content of this post: Oh, Heavenly Father, I write this prayer and I must confess that I, too, need your strength to rebuild some relationships, and at the same time, learn how to avoid these pitfalls in the future. I know that is what you want, for us to learn from past mistakes and not make the same ones over and over again. Oh, Father, I would love nothing more than to be able to remember the lessons You teach me as I go along, but I, like many of the saints in the Old Testament, seem to have the need to live through some of the many mistakes I make daily. Help me to recall the life lessons You teach me and ones that I have just seen others live through. Help me to not have to learn everything the hard way. Give me grace, mercy, and the right words to mend fences that need mending. Go before me and make the path straight an

June 29 Genesis 36:1-43

June 29  Genesis 36:1-43 Click on the link below to listen to the content of this post: Thank You Father that You give us resources to care for our families, but I do ask that You help us put those resources that I know come from You, in the right perspective.   Help me to have the right attitude toward money and use it wisely.   Give me guidance as to how to use money and other resources to help people.   Show me Your truth on how to use the gifts You give to further Your kingdom and not my own.   Thank You for the opportunity to share the gifts You give with others.   Sometimes it might be money we need to share, but sometimes it is my time that I need to give, or something else that can be a true source of comfort, strength or love to one who needs it.   Open my eyes to how You would have me spend my time, money and gifts for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen!   We see here the generations

June 28 Genesis 35:16-29

June 28 Genesis 35:16-29 Click on the below link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, I know You are always there.   It sometimes feels like we are alone and our life is falling apart around us, but I know that You have a plan.   I have to admit there are many times I wish I could see Your plan and understand what it is You’re doing, but in hindsight I always see there is a reason for how things happened.   I also have to admit it doesn’t make the tough times easier to go through knowing You have a plan, because we as humans are forgetful, and sometimes even when we remember, struggle to “feel” that You are there.   I know You are always there, but there are days when its very hard to put one foot in front of the other because life has a tendency to pull our feet out from under us.   Help me lean into what I know about You and not just how I feel.   Help me believe in the

June 27 Genesis 35:1-15

June 27 Genesis 35:1-15 Click on link below to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, You are such an amazing God and I know Your hand is always protecting, healing, comforting, and guiding us. Help us see those times when You are all around us. There are so many times we blame You for what seems to go wrong in our lives but fail to thank You and glorify You for Your protection, guidance, and love. I know if I truly understood how much You love me, I would be different. I also know I can’t begin to understand because Your love is beyond what I can even begin to comprehend. Help me see You better every day and understand how to love You, honor You, and share You with others in a way that is true and faithful. I want to love You as You deserve to be loved, but at the same time I know I am not capable of that kind of love. Help me show Your love to those around me so they can see

June 26 Genesis 34:19-31

June 26 Genesis 34:19-31 Heavenly Father, I don’t know what the right thing was for these brothers of Dinah, but I do like that they loved her so much they didn’t just allow this horrible thing to happen without some punishment on the one who harmed her and those willing to stand by and let it happen as if it was nothing at all. Thank You for showing us that each of us matter to You, and You are always at our side, loving us and providing for us. Help us feel Your protection. I know there have been times when I felt totally alone, but later when I looked back I saw You and Your provision throughout the entire time. Sometimes it is hard to see in the moment. Open my eyes to see You and all You do for me. Help me see Your love and share what You do daily for me with those who need to hear about You and Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen! The brothers of Dinah had a plan and it worked perfectly. While the men were recovering from their circumcisions, the brothers came and plundered the land

June 25 Genesis 34:1-18

June 25 Genesis 34:1-18 Click on below link to listen to content of this post: Heavenly Father, it is so hard to read some of the evil that took place in the Old Testament and how the culture of that day treated things that we see as horrible crimes. Help us see God’s glory in all of His word. Help us see how he provides and how this family comes together to care for their sister. Help us see that we need to come together to comfort and love each other. It isn’t just about our justice system punishing the criminal, but for us to reach out and care about the one that is hurt, struggling, sick and dying. Help us see where we can reach out and show Your love to those around us. In Jesus’ name. Amen! What a horrible thing happened to Dinah. At first glance it looks as if the brothers aren’t treating it with the gravity they should, but wait…they have a plan. They learned from their father Jacob

June 24 Genesis 33:12-20

June 24 Genesis 33:12-20 Click on link below to listen to content of this post: Heavenly Father, thank You for always being there for us, even when we aren’t obedient. I don’t know if Jacob was being fully obedient or not, but what I do know is that I can always obey Your directions because You are always doing what is best and guiding me in the direction that is best for Your kingdom. It might not be the easiest route, but I know it is always best. Help me to not hesitate to follow You and obey You. Guide me to be one that follows You blindly knowing You are my provider, my comfort, my shelter, my everything! Thank You for always being there for me even when I must go through the valleys. Without the valleys, we wouldn’t have peaks, so thank You for those valleys. In Jesus’ name. Amen! Jacob is back home. At least what was home to him the first years of his life. It was a foreign country t

June 23 Genesis 33:1-11

June 23 Genesis 33:1-11 Please click below link to listen to content of this post: Father, help me keep the important things separate and realize that a hundred years from now the things I feel are important today, won’t even exist in the near future, so why give them any part of our life today. The world says, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff!”, and most of what we give our energy to is small stuff that we think matters, but Father, I know what You would like for us focus on are things that do matter. Matter in the sense of people’s lives and eternity. Why do we give so much attention to things that are temporary and almost no attention to the things that are eternal? Help me see things as You do Father. Help me see what matters most to You, and to spend my time on things that truly matter. Help me spend my time and the talents You gave me wisely. In Jesus’ name. Amen! Jac

June 22 – Genesis 32:13-32

June 22 – Genesis 32:13-32 Click on link below to listen to content of this post: Oh, Heavenly Father, why do we have to learn the hard way? Why don’t we listen when You try to show us the best way? Why can’t I remember that You only want to care for me and take care of me. When You give me rules, they are for my best. When You give me discipline it is for me to learn. Help me Father to always remember who You are and that everything You do, You do out of love. I forget so often that You are the epitome of love and everything You do comes from a place of love. Why do we see Your discipline as wrath or judgment, when it is truly out of love? Help me to keep in mind the great love You have, even when it is easier to see You as punishing, rather than loving. Help me be a light to share that love. There is enough hate, disease, wrath and anger in the world. Help me spread Your love, light, and the freedom You can bring the world if they wil