May 31 – Genesis 24:10-28
May 31 – Genesis 24:10-28 Please click this link to listen to the content of this post: Father, these verses remind me that there are so many who don’t know You. Some even “believe in” You, but they don’t KNOW You. So many say they are “Christians” when they have never met Christ. Help me to reach the lost, especially the ones that truly believe they know You. There are so many “good” people out there that need You, and they are so hard to reach because they believe they are okay. I know the enemy loves for them to believe they are okay, but the truth of our sin separating us from God is very real and very much a stumbling block to so many. Help me have the right words when I talk to those the enemy has fooled. Help me know how and when to reach them. Help me be a light to help them see the truth of their own lives and the sacrifice Jesus made. This gift You have made so readily available t