
Showing posts from July, 2023

July 31 – Exodus 3:1-6

July 31 – Exodus 3:1-6 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, I am so glad You gave us the Holy Spirit after Christ ascended to heaven.  I don’t know how the Old Testament prophets did it to only have the Holy Spirit temporarily.  I feel so grateful for many reasons, but especially the way You speak, that I live in this day and time.  Help me to always be listening.  I know many times I am so busy trying to do this or that and move forward to the next project that I don’t always stop and listen for what You have for me.  Thank You for being patient with me.  Thank You for continuing to give me whispers. In Jesus’ name. Amen! We see here that Moses is afraid to look at God.  Is it because he fears he will die if he looks at God, or could it be he thinks he isn’t good enough to look at God?  Both are true, but I wonder what was going through his mind.   Do

July 30 – Exodus 2:16-25

July 30   –   Exodus 2:16-25 Click click the link to listen to the content of this post: Oh, heavenly Father, help us to feel Your peace and comfort as we wait for Your answer, which we know is always the right answer.  Things sometimes don’t seem to be working for us, but I know You are always on our side.  Help me to realize that and to always be on Your side.  I sometimes find I expect You to always be fighting for me, but how often do I fight for You.  Help me see those times that You want me to stand up for You against those who are speaking Your name in vain, or saying things that I know are against You and Your word.  How it must grieve Your heart for me to expect so much and give so little.  Help me give my best to You Father.  You always deserve my very best! In Jesus’ name. Amen!   Over 400 years have passed since the children of Israel moved to Egypt.  And as we find them h

July 29 – Exodus 2:11-15

  July 29 – Exodus 2:11-15 Click the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, I know You know everything I’ve ever done good and bad and there have been times I’m tried to outrun my sin and not face You.  Help me to stop and always repent and ask forgiveness so I can get back to a healthy relationship with You.  I don’t want anything to keep me from You and cause me to not be what You want me to be.  Help me stay in the place You want me to be.  Thank You for loving me and forgiving me.  I know I don’t deserve it, but I am so thankful for it. In Jesus’ name. Amen! No matter who is around, our sins will be found out.  Even if we “get away with it”, God knows, and we will be called to account for what we do.  We are saved by grace, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to ask for forgiveness and repent.  Moses ran.  How often do you find yourself running from God when yo

July 28 – Exodus 2:1-10

July 28 – Exodus 2:1-10 Click on link to listen to content of this post: Heavenly Father, I want to hear Your voice.  I want to hear what You have for me.  Help me listen when You are speaking.  It doesn’t matter if it’s through another person, a sermon, while I’m reading Your word, or just sitting in silence, I know You can speak to me at any time under any circumstance and I don’t want to miss what You have to say to me.  Help me always be listening for Your whispers.  Help me hear them and be obedient.  Help me remember Your way is always best, even if it isn’t always easiest. Thank You for guiding me, comforting me, and loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen! What an amazing story of God’s grace and how He took care of this child that He knew would free His people someday.  How many times do we think something is a coincidence when it is God arranging things for His plan and His glory?  I

July 27 – Exodus 1:15-22

  July 27 – Exodus 1:15-22 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, daily we face fears.  Most of our fears revolve around what we don’t understand or can’t yet see.  We fear death because we don’t know what that looks like, yet we know You love us and are there and will care for us and promise us a beautiful place You are preparing for us.  We fear what is around the next corner.  We fear change.  Help us focus on You rather than fear.  When we can focus on You and the love You have for us, the thing we fear is small in comparison.  Give us release from fearing what we can’t see and a love for You that conquers all fear. In Jesus’ name. Amen! We see here that the new king of Egypt feared the Hebrews as they grew in number to the point he was willing to have their male babies murdered.  What do you think he really feared?  Have you ever feared what you d

July 26 – Exodus 1:1-14

July 26 – Exodus 1:1-14 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, You are so amazing in who You are and how You have cared for me.  I often wonder why I was fortunate enough to live in a place where I have so many opportunities and in a family that provided well for me and told me about You.  I know I deserve nothing, yet You give me everything.  Thank You for loving me so much.  I know You love everyone, and want everyone to praise You, but I also know You made it much easier on me.  I could never deserve the opportunities You have given me.  In Jesus’ name. Amen! We see in these verses that things changed for the children of Israel and over time became almost unbearable.  This period of time was 430 years, which might seem like a long time, but for the changes that occurred, I’m sure they felt their lives had been turned upside down.  They were saved from

July 25 – Genesis 50:15-26

  July 25 – Genesis 50:15-26 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, fear is so real when we are in the midst of a tragedy or difficulty.  Please help me feel Your peace, love, and grace over any fear Satan tries to instill in me.  I know where this fear comes from and how desperately he wants me to rely on my fears rather than Your love.  Help me put aside the fears of the flesh and focus on the love that is more powerful than anything else I can imagine. Thank You, Father for Your love and for helping me know the truth of Your love and how it can always combat the fear of the enemy.  Help me remember that on the tough days. In Jesus’ name. Amen! Joseph had never given his brothers any indication that he would go back on his word of peace and forgiveness, but they feared he would do just that.  Where do you think these fears come from?  Why do we so

July 24 – Genesis 50:1-14

  July 24 – Genesis 50:1-14 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Father, none of us know how many years, or maybe its only days we have left on this earth.  Help me to not spend my time frivolously.  Help me realize how important time is and spend it doing Your work and sharing Your message with others.  Please bring people into my life that need to hear Your message.  People that need Your love.  Help me make a difference every single day to someone for You.  In Jesus’ name. Amen! It doesn’t matter how long you know that a loved one is going to die, it is never easy.  We see here that they spent many days mourning for Jacob and followed Jacob’s requests for his burial.  It is interesting that Joseph is the one that carried out his father’s wishes.  Maybe because they had so many years without contact, these last years together were extra special.  They had a bond th

July 23 – Genesis 49:17-22

  Click on link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, help me to pray constantly and be always in Your presence with my thoughts.  Help me to come to You first with all my frustrations, confusions, difficulties, and decisions.  Sometimes You do use others to guide us, but how often do we go to others and not bring our problems to You, the ONE who can fix them, or fix our thinking about the situation.  Sometimes I think we don’t come to You because we don’t really want the situation fixed but want to have something to gripe about.  Sometimes I think I just want to be angry for awhile and I know You will bring me to the place of forgiveness.  Help me want to forgive and want to always come to You first.  Help me be wise, especially in how I deal with others and share Your love with those around me.  Help me reflect You in all I do, and with everyone I encounter, even those

July 22 – Genesis 49:1-16

July 22 – Genesis 49:1-16 Click on link to listen to content of this post: Heavenly Father, I wonder today why sometimes we still treat different children differently because they are the oldest or a son.  I also struggle to understand why we can’t treat everyone as family because we are all related as children of Adam.  I know for many people the saying “blood is thicker than water” is a real truth for them, but truly, in my mind, the only blood that matters is the blood of YOUR Son, Jesus, who shed His blood for us.  For me.  So, I could become Your child.  So, I could inherit Your kingdom.  Help me see others as Your children as well and realize that You love them just as much as You love me, no matter how they act, or how loving or kind they might be, or might not be, You love them just as much as You love me.  Help me with this Father, because it isn’t something that is easy for me.  I

July 21 – Genesis 47:23-31

  July 21 – Genesis 47:23-31 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, finding someone trustworthy in today’s world is very difficult.  It seems many people have something they want and are willing to pretend to be trustworthy to get in where they can get what they want.  I can’t control what others do or think but help me to always check my motives and do things out of care, concern, and love for others and not for what I think I can get.  Help me be humble and remember to think of how I can minister to and help those around me.  My motive should always be to glorify God, not myself.  Help me to always remember that Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen! The children of Israel prospered because of the plan God had carried out through Joseph. Jacob, also called Israel in these verses, called on Joseph to carry out his wishes upon his death. He knew he could tru

July 20 –Genesis 47:13-22

  July 20 –Genesis 47:13-22 Click on link to listen to content of this post: Father God, help me be a person who shows concern for others to a point where I am uncomfortable. So often we are willing to help others, but not if it puts us out or causes us work. Help me love unconditionally and act on that love. Joseph spent most of his life with Egyptians, but certainly not in comfort until the last years regarding the famine, but yet he grew to love them to a degree he worked to make their lives better. I pray Father that You help me to love like that. Help me remember to act on the love for others and be Jesus to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen! I find this so interesting. Joseph, not an Egyptian, sold into slavery, and imprisoned in Egypt for years because of an Egyptian who lied about him. But here he acted out of great concern for the Egyptians, basically saving their lives. Jospeh looked out for the welfare of

July 19 – Genesis 47:1-12

July 19 – Genesis 47:1-12 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, thank You so much for how You bless me every single day.   I know there are many times I either forget to thank You, or I just don’t realize it was a gift from You and don’t stop to think about it.   Every good thing is a gift from You, but I get so caught up in the world at times and how they believe in coincidence, and doing things ourselves, that I forget at times that those things are truly gifts from You.   There are so many ways You bless me daily.   Just being there anytime I call Your name is a huge blessing.   You are the only one that I can ALWAYS call on.   Your love is so deep You sent Jesus to suffer and die for me.   The wonderful family You have given me, the home I live in, the career I enjoy, this ministry that I am privileged to be part of…so many ways You bless me and I tha

July 18 - Genesis 46:28-34

July 18 -  Genesis 46:28-34 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, this story is so amazing and sweet, and I can only imagine the thrill Jacob felt at seeing his son, not only alive and well, but thriving as the leader of all of Egypt with only Pharoah above him.  There were so many years that Jacob lived with the loss of his son believing him to be dead, but You allowed him to live long enough to see this miracle and know his family would be okay.  How gracious You were to Jacob, and how gracious You are to us today to love us, care for us, heal us, comfort us, and most of all, forgive us.  Thank You, Father for all You do for us.  Give me wisdom to see Your mighty works and give me courage to share them with the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen!   Again, we see Joseph blessed with wisdom. He knew exactly what his brothers should say to Pharoah when que

July 17 – Genesis 46:1-27

July 17 – Genesis 46:1-27 Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Heavenly Father, I know You had to be rejoicing with Jacob and Joseph that they were to reunite.  You knew it was coming and had set it all up, but I’m sure You were so thrilled when the moment was at hand.  I see the Love You had for Jacob in how You were so gentle with him and reassuring him.  So many people see You as a harsh and judging God, but here is a wonderful example of how kind and loving You are.  Even when You end up punishing in the Old Testament, it is because You are trying to protect them.  You set guidelines and rules for us to be safe, not so You can punish.  The more I study Your word and the history of the Israelites, the more I see of the unconditional love You gave them and how many times You didn’t punish them when they truly deserved to be punished.  How many times You don’t punish me

July 16 – Genesis 45:21-28

July 16 – Genesis 45:21-28   Click on the link to listen to the content of this post: Oh, heavenly Father, it is so difficult to give grace to those who have hurt me, but I know it is not only what You expect from me, but it is what is best for me.  Help me to not hold grudges.  Help me to have grace and mercy for those, just like me, that have made mistakes.  It isn’t my place to judge, but Yours alone.  Help me to remember all I have been forgiven so I can see the way to forgive others.  Satan works overtime to tell me I deserve to be angry, and it is my right to withhold forgiveness, but You have forgiven so much.  You have not only forgiven me, but You have already forgiven that person who hurt me.  Help me to not hold back forgiveness that will only put a wedge between You and me.  I don’t want anything to come between us, Father.  Help me have grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen! It is